Monday, November 30, 2015

            Fashion has been one of the important factors during the 21st century and especially the year 2015. When it comes to keeping up with the new trends and fashion, clothes that are in style play a big role. Buying trendy clothes can go over your budget especially if you are a high school or college student. However there are stores that sell clothes in fashion for much affordable prices. H&M is one of the stores that make sure your clothes are super trendy with an affordable price.
                      H&M is a store that was made by a Swedish man in 1946 and due to its popularity in growing fashion, the store spread almost worldwide. You can buy the most beautiful clothes that are shown on run ways and are worn by most celebrities for good prices in H&M. Recently Kylie Jenner has become the celebrity and fashion sensation for many teenagers. Kylie Jenner is spotted many times wearing gorgeous outfits that leaves other teenagers of her age in fascination.
However the clothes worn by celebrities like Kylie Jenner can cost thousands of dollars but can be bought in H&M for much affordable prices. Another good thing about H&M is that it sells a variety of clothes. H&M even has modest clothes that look super chick and makes it easier for people who are modest to still have trendy clothes.
instagram Kylie Jenner
H&M website. same dress for only 30 dollars compared to 270. 
                      As a college student I find H&M to have the best clothes for me and my friends for good prices. When me and my friends go shopping, we can easily get modest clothes for me and other clothes for them in reasonable prices. Anyone who wants to stay in budget and go along with the new fashions should definitely check out H&M.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Problem and Solution

Judging by the number of Instagram accounts and YouTube videos, we can assume that fashion and makeup has become a great focus of 2015. Each day approximately thousands of pictures of makeup are posted online and that is where the judgmental comments begin.
Although there are many girls out there who love makeup and are comfortable wearing it, there are some people who become very judgmental when it comes to other girls wearing makeup. Rude comments from other girls spark the insecurity and the ending of their desire for makeup.
            According to many males, females wear makeup to impress them and to look pretty for them. That concept is the reason why many girls think it is bad to wear makeup and they also start to judge other girls. Just like boys have hobbies of playing soccer and football etc. makeup is a hobby for many girls. It is not necessary that girl should wear makeup just to look pretty for a boy or just to make another girl jealous. Makeup is like a form of art for some people and is used to make them happy. Most of the time when a girl who wears makeup is judged, she stop doing what she likes and starts to follow what others want her to do. The problem arises from rude comments causing so many girls to come out either insecure about themselves or they totally stop using makeup even if they want to.
            So what can be done to stop the judgmental comments toward girls who love to wear makeup? Honestly people will never stop with their rude comments, but we can reduce the amount of hate girls who wear makeup get. If people start seeing makeup as just a hobby for some girls and stop judging them based on the amount of makeup they wear, we can reduce the amount of insecurities in our teenage generation.