Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Problem and Solution

Judging by the number of Instagram accounts and YouTube videos, we can assume that fashion and makeup has become a great focus of 2015. Each day approximately thousands of pictures of makeup are posted online and that is where the judgmental comments begin.
Although there are many girls out there who love makeup and are comfortable wearing it, there are some people who become very judgmental when it comes to other girls wearing makeup. Rude comments from other girls spark the insecurity and the ending of their desire for makeup.
            According to many males, females wear makeup to impress them and to look pretty for them. That concept is the reason why many girls think it is bad to wear makeup and they also start to judge other girls. Just like boys have hobbies of playing soccer and football etc. makeup is a hobby for many girls. It is not necessary that girl should wear makeup just to look pretty for a boy or just to make another girl jealous. Makeup is like a form of art for some people and is used to make them happy. Most of the time when a girl who wears makeup is judged, she stop doing what she likes and starts to follow what others want her to do. The problem arises from rude comments causing so many girls to come out either insecure about themselves or they totally stop using makeup even if they want to.
            So what can be done to stop the judgmental comments toward girls who love to wear makeup? Honestly people will never stop with their rude comments, but we can reduce the amount of hate girls who wear makeup get. If people start seeing makeup as just a hobby for some girls and stop judging them based on the amount of makeup they wear, we can reduce the amount of insecurities in our teenage generation.


  1. good work zohal your essay gave me a lot of information that i didn't know thanks

  2. This is a fascinating topic, Zohal. I'm wondering if you've also noticed that judgmental comments can go both ways. Some girls, for example, are judged for making the decision to NOT wear makeup since it is so common in our society. I appreciate your argument that we should stop judging people for the amount of makeup they wear but I would add that we should also stop judging people for their choice to embrace a more natural look. Ultimately, shouldn't we all be empowered to make our own choices and to be confident in our decisions?

  3. Hi Zohal your essay describe a problem that many girls face but how you say people always judge for everything so don't worry:)

  4. Sometimes I criticized others' styles in my mind. After reading your blog, I think that I need to respect others more.

  5. Great Zohal. We need to respect everyone.The happiness of people is the most important no matter how they look.

  6. It is true! If you are happy with who you are don't care about the rude comments from another. Anyway, people always find one reason to criticize.

  7. nice topic with nice essay i like it!

  8. I agree with you Zohal ! People are different. We all need to learn how to respect and stop judging others.

  9. Thank your topic, Zohal. Every one has different view. Your essay is nice.

  10. It is sad to see how stereotypes and judgemental comments are often used to make people look bad or feel bad. But let's keep it together. Nice reading your blog Zohal. I do not wear make up but I'm a big fan of Art and there is no limits where or how it should go
